
Getting Started

16 Dec 2013

Well, Here we go.

I've tried to blog before on other sites, but this time I feel it'll be different. With Jekyll and Github Pages I'll be able to link this blog back to what it is I do every day. Code.

I'm currently working with a financial firm in Kansas City, Missouri and have been for over eight years. (Wow, that's weird to see written down.) I've been working with the Windows stack during that time and am currently working to improve our processes and infrastructure. The team I'm a part of likes to work like a startup, so we've embraced the Open Source community and am working hard to change the culture of the company to do the same.

All that leads me here. Most of the time I need a place to keep my thoughts. "What script did I use to do that thing that one time?" Or, "What were the statistics on why TDD is awesome?" You'll see a lot of random stuff on here, but hopefully it'll be as helpful for any readers as it will be for me.

Wish me luck.