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An abstraction layer for PowerShell

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Using the abstraction layer is easy. Once the module is imported, you can begin to create abstracted commands and functions.

For Example:

Import-Module PSAL
New-Abstraction "Invoke-Command"
Invoke-CommandAbstraction -ComputerName "TestServer" -FilePath .\SomeScript.ps1

Immediatly the abstraction layer is turned off, so the above script will do nothing on the TestServer machine. To turn on the abstraction layer simply call the Enable-AbstractionLayer function.


You can also call the Set-AbstractionLayer with the -Enable switch.

Set-AbstractionLayer -Enable

To turn the abstraction layer back off, you can call the Disable-AbstractionLayer function.


You can also call the Set-AbstractionLayer without the -Enable switch.


If you're ever curious if the abstraction layer is on or off, you can call the 'Test-PSALStatus' function. it returns true if the abstraction layer is active and false otherwise.

It's that simple to abstract critical cmdlets and functions within your scripts.